12 Helpful Tips To Get the Greatest Benefit
From Your Coaching Experience With Olivia
Take a Few Minutes to “Ready Yourself” for Your Session.
Set an Intention for Each Session!
Prior to your session give some thought as to what would make the biggest difference for you – including any assistance or inspiration you might need.
Generally , sessions that are focused with a specific intention will make the session feel more fruitful and complete.
,Know that your intention will always get covered, however the coaching conversation occurs with whatever “shows up” – helping you stay present with the “realities” of your life or situation.
Focus on What You Are Feeling, Not Only On What You Want to Produce!
Sometimes you may feel like you must focus their coaching time to produce the most tangible and helpful results. But intangibles, like feeling happier, more peaceful, more inspired, or more fulfilled, are equally important.
Think of a flower, with the seeds as the feelings and the flower as the result. Why not have both?
Be “Full of Yourself” and What Really Matters to You!
You can talk about anything you want during your coaching sessions – your goals, your life, your needs, what you want to improve. Even “stuff” that may not appear to be “all that useful” to talk about.
Focus on what you “need” to talk about, not what you feel you “should” talk about. This approach will give you the most value from your coaching sessions.
Become Wonderfully and Incredibly Selfish!
Coaching is about you and what you most want. So go ahead, put yourself first. Yes, be selfish in the sense that you are what matters most. When you are happy and doing well, others will benefit also.
Be Open To Seeing Things Differently!
“During our coaching together you will be working with your goals (your what’s) and your strategies to reach these goals (the “hows”) and at the same time be working on you (the ‘”who).
Coaching becomes exciting when you look closely at your assumptions, ways of thinking, beliefs and ways of approaching success.
It is often exciting to evolve and and arrive at newly developing concepts. No forcing here, just asking you to consider different approaches and ways of thinking and feeling about things. Here you can try it on to see what might work better for you!
Sensitize Yourself to Responding to Experiences Around You!
Feeling out of time…frustrated. The pace of change continues to increase. Here comes the STRESS and pressures to keep up and not get behind.
Look at this phenomena as a chance to see opportunities as they occur. Sensitize yourself, feel, and respond to events faster. Be mindful of your sensitizing yourself by reducing or eliminating alcohol, television, adrenaline, stress, and maybe even caffeine.
Feel Coached All the 10,000 Minutes of Your Week!
There are 10,080 minutes in a 7-day week. What you and I will talk about during your coaching will resonate with you during your days so you will be able to explore and integrate in between your sessions.
it is best to fully live your life between coaching sessions and just try your life on. Designing a life that works for you – that is what coaching is all about!
Get Rid of Your “Psychic Sappers”
Attract who/what you want purposefully!
Get More Space, Not Just Time In Your Life!
When you begin, consider reducing your roles, your personal management systems, etc.
Get simple Simplifications creates space. Space is needed to learn and evolve yourself beyond where you are today.
Evolve, Don’t Just Develop Yourself!
But when you evolve, you will be thinking differently – expanding yourself and your world. Evolving is a skill worth learning, because life itself is evolving, not just developing.
Strengthen Your Personal/Work Foundation!
Use part of your coaching time to design the perfect environment in which to live and work. Where you live and how you live are the key to your success.
Hang out with people who will celebrate your success, not your failure. Be willing to invest time and money improving both your internal and external environments so that you feel supported to be your best!
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